​South Moor Dartmoor Hill Ponies

Sold Ponies 2014

All of these ponies came from South Moor, had various stages of handling before they left for there new homes.

South Moor Pepsi
2014 grey filly foal, we have tons of photos and videos on our facebook page of this wonderful little pony, she is now with Inspired Equine Assisted Learning.now in Lincoln
South Moor Toffee
2014 dun spotty colt foal, in the same home as Pepsi proving himself a very special pony.
South Moor Daydream
2014 bay coloured filly foal, currently here being produced for her owner, for the showing, winning a class and gaining many rosettes in just two outings.
South Moor Bramble
2013 grey coloured gelding, another pony who has featured in many of our Facebook videos and photos, he now resides in Lincoln where at his first show he came 2nd.
South Moor Star struck
2014 grey coloured filly foal, now owned by Lee in the New Forest.
South Moor Bluey
2014 coloured gelding, fell in love with my sister when they first met so he is still here!!
South Moor Mabel
2014 chestnut filly, now owned by Mandy and had a very successful first show!
South Moor Thumbleina
2014 Dun coloured filly, now owned by Liz and has won many rosettes!!
South Moor Rhapsody
2014 coloured filly foal, a very succesfful pony in the show ring already, now owned by Liz.
South Moor Hamish
2014 dun gelding, now owned by Emma and a star of her videos of a wild pony series.
South Moor Poppy
2014 Dun coloured filly, now owned by Sally.
South Moor Quicksilver
2014 Grey colt, now owned by Liz.
South Moor Torr
2014 coloured colt now owned by Liz..
South Moor Dandy Chance
2013 Spotted Gelding now owned by Katie and her family, shown with Katies daughter!
South Moor Anastacia
2014 Bay filly, now owned by Millie.
South Moor Star
2014 Black & White gelding now owned by Sabrina.
South Moor Joys Joy
2014 Grey & White coloured colt now owned by Liz.

South Moor Tinkerbell
2014 Black filly now owned by Millie.

South Moor Pebbles
2014 Dun filly owned by Tracey and her children.

South Moor Inca
2014 Spotted gelding, now owned by Tracey and her daughter.

South Moor Chance
2014 Grey filly, now owned by Ann Marie.

South Moor Bracken
2014 Chestnut colt now owned by Lucy, he has his own facebook page please check it out!

South Moor Teeny Weeny
2014 Black and white coloured colt, now owned by Liz, he also lives with South Moor Torr.

South Moor Humbug
2014 Black coloured colt now owned by Liz.